Fearless Falling Lessons -- Juggling!?
Juggling Hands

How can learning basic juggling help prevent falls?

It may appear a little crazy at first, but learning simple juggling skills can actually improve your health, awareness and  postural stability.  The human brain is amazingly good at calculating the trajectories of moving objects, even when you only glimpse them with your peripheral vision. Your body is wired with sensors at every joint and muscle, letting your brain know where your hands and feet are without looking. Knowing where you are in space and what is immediately around you is always important for your personal safety and security. 

As you age, and especially if you suffer from disabilities such as  neuropathy or Parkinson's, the basic feedback from your body diminishes.  Balance exercises and  juggling practice can force you to use your remaining bodily sensations and make them stronger and more accurate.

While it may seem that learning how to juggle is rather frivolous, it has surprising benefits in everyday life.  One is that you become more aware of surrounding objects and motions in general.   This alone can prevent accidentally banging into things.
The second is that you have a greater awareness and calmness about the trajectories of fast moving objects.  Your brain is freshly trained to calculate where moving things will end up.  The result is that you stop "chasing" dropped or falling objects, and either watch to see where they go, or move your hands to where they will be and catch them.

The two keys to simple juggling are :

1) Catching the ball must become automatic. 

2) Throwing the ball accurately is very important.

-- Very Basic Juggling Instructions --






