
 Senior Fall Prevention News 

  Night Falls
  Wednesday evenings, 6:00-7:00pm, at the Whetstone Community Center
   Class is planned to start up again in Autumn of 2024

Worthington Senior Fair 2024
      31st Annual National
Senior Health and Fitness Day

Presentation at the Senior Fair held at the
Worthington Community Center

May 29th, 2024

Cheri A.
Presentation for the
Clintonville Women's Club

Columbus, Ohio, March 2024

Women's Club officer Cheri Alexander registers attendees
for the March luncheon and presentation.

Blendon senior fair
Blendon Township Senior Fair
March 14, 2024

Handing out free fall prevention and training
information for falling safely.

Friendship Village 2023Friendship Village, Dublin, Ohio
Fearless Falling Presentation June, 2023

An audience of over fifty Friendship Village residents
came to see the Fearless Falling presentation on June 8th, 2023.

Many had some direct experience with accidental falls, and
were interested to learn that there were things they could do
to fall more safely and avoid serious injury.

The basic presentation was followed by a discussion and questions
period, with many good questions and points raised.

Thanks to Ava Eisele, Health and Wellness Navigator, for arranging
the presentation and supplying the photo.

2023-Westerville MatsWesterville Community Center
Invests in Fearless Falling Classes
With a New Set of Safety Mats

With this full set of mats, and moving to the North Group
Fitness room, the class setup and ambiance have been
improved tremendously.  Shown at left are two large
crash-pad mats and two folding mats in the special
"Slap-the-Cheese" configuration for two to three
students at one time.

Thanks to Michael Herron, Fitness/Wellness Manager for
getting the mats, and to the many Westerville FF class students
who enjoyed and supported the classes.

Another special student visitor to Fearless Falling:
M.C. travelled from New York City, in January of 2023,
just to take a "crash course" in falling safely.

In yet another case where prevention advice alone is not enough due to
a medical issue, he is proactively learning to protect himself in the future.

COPC Senior Select CenterCentral Ohio Primary Care
Senior Select Center Presentation
January 18, 2023

Rachel Botkin, PT, MPT, arranged for a presentation
for her monthly agility and balance class at the center.

Still recovering from a recent fall herself, Rachel impressed
upon her students that accidental falls can happen at any age.

Spotlight article
Article in the Spotlight!
A full-page article on the Fearless Falling classes
appeared in the January edition of the Spotlight,
in both the Clintonville and Worthington editions.

Many thanks to Publisher Cliff Wiltshire, and
to writer and photographer Rebecca Tien.

The classes at both locations doubled in size as a
result of the fresh publicity.

OSU Retirees Association presentation on September 21st, 2022
"A Deeper Look at Tai Chi for Falls Prevention"

This presentation explained both why it took so long for Tai Chi to become "evidence-based" as a falls prevention intervention, and the specific features of Tai Chi that make it one of the very best exercises, particularly for seniors.

Head hitNational Concussion Awareness Day
              was Sept. 16th, 2022

<=  Don't do this!  

TUCK your chin tightly if you fall back or to the side.

Fearless Falling Presentation on May 17th, 2022
Mt. Carmel  Rehabilitation Hospital, Westerville, OH
Right way to fall

Wrong way
       Thanks to Ms. Alesha Seay for the photos above, and for arranging the demonstration.

  April 29th, 2022, A special visitor to the Whetstone Fearless Falling class:
PattyL-with class
  Patty L. (far right) travelled from Kansas City, Missouri to join our class for a day
 and get some personal instruction in practicing safe falling.

 Patty was fit, but had balance issues and needed to learn how to fall safely.  The locally available classes were only about falls prevention with general exercise and health advice.  The only classes she could find, besides Fearless Falling, that actually taught something about how to fall safely were in Holland and Hawaii!

Gerlach Center for Senior Health Demonstration
At the new Ohio Health Neuroscience Wellness Center
Wednesday, Apr.  20th, 2022                      
Our presentation was well-received with many good questions and comments.
Thanks to Ms. Debbie Buddie, Supervisor - Senior Health Services

The Swedish Judo Association

teaches falling skills in the Judo4Balance program

A study was published in April, 2021:
Judo4Balance study
Followup pre-study:


Judo4Balance seniors

Rockettes move

2020 National Falls Prevention 

Awareness Week

Was September 21st - 25th
More information at:

** Click here to check out Fall Prevention online lessons
and tips from Central Ohio Primary Care **

Instructional Fearless Falling videos from the Central Ohio Primary Care presentation:

How to Prevent Falls                        How to Fall Safely  

Prevent fallsHow to fall
-- Click on pictures for YouTube videos --
Videos  courtesy of  Andrew Brantley, Central Ohio Primary Care

Flourish Franklin County

Flourish Franklin County
This was a virtual Senior Fair broadcast locally on 9-30-2020.
To see the full event on YouTube, Click the picture above.
The 30 minute Fearless Falling presentation starts at 52:34 and ends at 1:25:00.

Thanks to Janet Caldwell, Franklin County Office on Aging
280 East Broad Street, Room 300, Columbus, Ohio 43215-4527
Tel: 614-525-5230
Production by Columbus City Television,  CTV

** Check out our newest online lessons and tips for instructors. **


WOSU All Sides show: June Interview
with Fearless Falling Instructor
Mike Grigsby
June 12th, 2019

Saturday, September 22nd, 2018, was national

Falls Prevention Awareness Day

All Sides with Ann Fisher -- January 10th, 2018 Interview

WOSU interview    

New York Times article, Jan. 2nd, 2018 on Dutch fall prevention programs:

Afraid of Falling? For Older Adults, the Dutch Have a Cure

Dutch falling class