Senior Safe Falling Presentations and Events
** Check out our newest online lessons and tips for instructors. **
WOSU All Sides show: June Interview
with Fearless Falling Instructor
Mike Grigsby
June 12th, 2019
Wesley Glen Retirement Community, June 5th, 2015

Worthington Community Center
Senior Fitness and Health Day, May 27th, 2015
Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast event, May 25th, 2015

Holy Family Catholic Church presentation, May 12th, 2015
Parkview United Methodist Church talk: May 8th, 2015

Civitan Dinner Presentation
April 7th, 2015
Worthington Griswold Center
Amazing Race Presentation, March 16th, 2015

Community Center
Friday morning class on December 20th, 2013

At the last Fearless Falling Class of Fall-2, 2013, students display their "homework materials."
Each was given a single juggling ball, and instructions for several one-ball juggling exercises.
What does juggling have to do with protecting yourself from accidental falls?
-- Find out here. --
A new OHIO Statewide Falls
Prevention Initiative
announced by the DOA and Governor Kasich on Sept. 16th, 2013!

For more on the "Steady U
Ohio" program:
Presentation at the Upper Arlington Amelita Mirolo Barn
July 2nd, 2013

A Fearless Falling presentation was given to the Upper Arlington "Fitness Trek" program
participants on Tuesday, July 2nd. Fearless Falling Instructor Mike Grigsby discussed how
to prevent accidental falls and how to actually fall safely. Several members of the group had very
specific questions about particular accidental falling scenarios. Many thanks to Upper Arlington
Commission on Aging Director Amy Schossler and Recreation Supervisor Jane Sindel for this opportunity.

Senior Fest 2012, Sept. 27th at the
Franklin Park Adventure Center, 1747 East Broad Street
Congratulations to our Whetstone Community Center Fearless Falling Demo Team!
Barbara, Julian, and Frank performed well up on stage for some 200 seniors and attendees at the 2012 Senior Fest.